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Scavenger Hunt

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Read more: Comfort Quilts go to Ukraine
Renee and BJ delivering 13 boxes of quilts to be shipped to Ukraine. A lot of the backs were made using donations from Bare Home. Two boxes were from another… Continue reading Comfort Quilts go to Ukraine
Read more: The Scissors Guy is coming
Paul Edgerton of Edge Mobile Sharpening will be at our February meeting starting at 5:30 to sharpen scissors. He will take credit cards, but prefers cash. Come early and bring… Continue reading The Scissors Guy is coming
Read more: Bare Home donates remnants to Comfort Quilts
Bare Home, a company in Forest Lake that specializes in bedding that is free from toxic chemicals, has been donating the remnants of bedding after quality control has removed six-inch… Continue reading Bare Home donates remnants to Comfort Quilts